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Meanwhile on the recruiting front

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 10:52 am
by Niner
With the present doomsday clock set at a few ticks from midnight you would think the recruiting sergeants on the home front would be working over time. However, getting recruits isn't all that easy for the modern volunteer only Army. And... the potential recruits aren't worried about Biden saying we aren't going boots on the ground in the Ukraine. They aren't going to join up. They feel safe. They don't care if Biden is not telling the iron clad truth. They don't know much about history either. However:
WASHINGTON (AP) — While some Republicans blame the COVID-19 vaccine or “wokeness” for the Army’s recruiting woes, the military service says the bigger hurdles are more traditional ones: Young people don’t want to die or get injured, deal with the stress of Army life and put their lives on hold.
They “just don’t see the Army as something that’s relevant,” said Maj. Gen. Alex Fink, head of Army marketing. “They see us as revered, but not relevant, in their lives.”........
One incentive gives recruiters bonuses of up to $4,500 per quarter if they exceed their baseline enlistment requirement. A pilot program allows young enlisted soldiers — those in the three lower ranks — to get a promotion if they refer someone who enlists and goes to basic training. Only one promotion per soldier is allowed.

I went into the Army because the draft board said come on down or face a trip to jail. The President wanted me for use in killing some people half way round the world I wasn't mad at. Anyone try to get a friend to join for a bribe back in the day could face more than being ostracized by all his quickly lost former friends.

Re: Meanwhile on the recruiting front

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 9:05 pm
by Aughnanure
The mind boggles, at least you'd know why some dickheads got a promotion.

Re: Meanwhile on the recruiting front

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:11 pm
by Niner Delta
I wasn't drafted, my friend and I joined on the "Buddy Plan". We are still buddies and see each other
at least once a year. Both ended up in Nam and made it home OK. It all worked out.
