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Canon T70

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 7:28 pm
by Niner
Got this one the other day. It was advertised as "working". Paid all of $34, nearly half of that shipping, for it with three lenses and a camera bag and some filters. When I got it I found pieces to the battery door in the bottom of the bag. So much for working. Thankfully the small door catch spring was among the parts. The seller, when contacted, said it was a flash door part...but I had sent her a photo of it and she should have seen what I was saying. In any case,I proceeded to see if I could put it back together with some glue before arguing some more with the seller .....and although I have no idea how long it will last.... I got it back together and the camera worked and the latch stayed shut. I added a little tape for insurance when I took it out for a photo adventure today. One of the lenses had a problem but the other two worked. I've gotten worse pig in a poke stuff from ebay so I figure I about broke even on this one.

This AE camera model came out back in 1984. It had some new features. There is a a choice between center weighted average meter reading or spot reading for back light compensation. An odd thing is you can also choose between wide angle or tele AE. The wide is auto exposure leaning more to DOF and the Tele is more to faster shutter and more center focus. The lens for the T series is an "FD" lens that has an A setting for letting the camera select shutter and aperture or you can turn out of the A to whatever aperture you want and the camera selects shutter. And... the best thing is it works on a couple AA batteries. One draw back is that the T series lenses went by the board after the T series ended and cameras started into auto focus lenses.